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British scientists have created a new way to charge smartphones - using urine.英国科学家发明者了一种为智能手机电池的新方式——利用尿液。Researchers have revealed a new system which transforms urine into electricity using a microbial fuel cell.研究人员回应,这新系统不会通过一个微生物燃料电池,将尿液切换为电力。Just over half a litre of urine is enough for six hours of charge time, which can power a smartphone for three hours.只必须半升的尿液,就需要电池六小时,而这能为智能手机获取三个小时的续航时间。
The average toilet break produces around 600ml of urine.人们平均值每次上厕所能产生大约600毫升的尿液。Researchers at the University of the West of England hope the technology will eventually allow people to stay connected when off-grid.西英格兰大学的研究人员期望,这项技术最后将不会使人们需要在断电时,仍然维持通信。Professor Ioannis Ieropoulos, Director of the Bristol Bioenergy Centre, said: This project is all about generating electricity from waste material.布里斯托尔生物能源中心的主任扬尼斯·耶罗普洛斯教授回应:“这项工程致力于将荒废材料转化成为电力。
In other words, turning waste into something really, really useful.“换句话说,就是将废弃物改变为简单之物。And the microbial fuel cell technology is something that does exactly that.“而微生物燃料电池技术能已完成这一切换过程。
It takes the waste that we naturally produce and it converts it directly into electricity.“它不会将人类产生的排泄物必要转化成为电力。”The fuel cells contain living microorganisms such as those found in soil or the human gut.燃料电池还包括了那些宿主在土壤中以及人类肠道中的活性微生物。
In breaking down and processing the urine they produce electrons which can then be harnessed into electricity.在分解成和处置尿液时它们不会产生电子,而电子可以改变为电力。The urinal is the result of a partnership between researchers at the University of the West of England in Bristol and Oxfam.发电马桶是布里斯托尔的西英格兰大学与乐施会(Oxfam)的研究人员们联合合作获得的成果。
It is located near the students union at the universitys Frenchay campus and researchers will be hoping for brisk business at closing time.它坐落于西英格兰大学弗朗蔡学院的学生会附近,研究人员也期望项目已完成后不会带给极大商机。Students and staff are being asked to use the urinal to donate pee to fuel the microbial fuel cell stacks that generate electricity to power indoor lighting.学生以及员工被拒绝捐赠其尿液,为微生物燃料电池获取燃料。
而电池产生的电力则用作室内灯光。The urinal on the university campus resembles toilets used in refugee camps by Oxfam to make the trial as realistic as possible.放到大学校园中的这个发电马桶外形就像乐施会难民营中用于的马桶,目的是让试验环境尽量相似现实。The technology that converts the urine in to power sits underneath the urinal and can be viewed through a clear screen.将发电马桶中的尿液转化成为电力的这一技术过程,可必要通过半透明隔板仔细观察到。They hope the abundant, free supply of urine will make the device practical for aid agencies to use in the field.他们期望大量免费的尿液能为援助机构获取简单的户外设备。